
[MANNAM] Riddle

[MANNAM] Riddle

There’s a beautiful and very special word in my mind. I’d like to share that special word with you, but I’d like to share it in a way that how I used to play with words in my childhood.
Below, there are 10 hints about the riddle. Perhaps it can be difficult or it could be very easy for someone. Then let’s start the game!

It is to live in harmony.
River flowing

Listening to music

It is choosing to give and receive unconditional love.
It is tolerance and UNITY amongst NATIONS.

Butterflies and hearts.

It is a place where justice, equality + respect for human dignity.
It is coming together and communicating with each other.

Is there a word pop up in our head? Or can you guess what would be the word?

The word that I wanted to share is ‘PEACE’!
Above, these are the definitions of peace to each individual around the world.
They wrote down what is peace to them, and shared it with people around the world.
For a young boy who lives in Africa, peace is ‘EVERYTHING.’

The definition, values and weights of the world peace are different to everyone.
But one thing is so sure for most of people.
They want peace, and so as we want peace.

Resource from ‘theworldpeaceinitiative’

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