
[MANNAM] People of Peace: Nelson Mandela

[MANNAMGW] People of Peace: Nelson Mandela

“Whatever situation you find yourself in, there is always, always, always a way out
That’s a line from England soup opera ‘MY MAD FAT DIARY.’
Have you ever experienced that you can never solve out the problem or find out a way out? In this drama, Rae who is the main character meets that situation so she wants to finish her life. But mentor of Rae told her, “There is always, always, always a way out.” In the end, she found a way out indeed. As his mentor says, can we find a way out always? Then, can we find a way out even to peace?

Here is a man found way out to peace on his way.
Nelson Mandela(1918-) is a first black president of South Africa and South African activist. He helped bring an end to apartheid and has been a global advocate for human rights. His actions landed him in prison for 27 years and made him the symbol of the anti-apartheid movement both within his country and internationally. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.
 His way to fight
Rolihlahla was a boy likes playing in the grassland of Africa. On the first day of school, he was given his English name ‘Nelson.’ At that time the Africa was occupied by white people. Apartheid started in South Africa in 1948. It separated people by their race. For example, the building like school, hospital, public institutions were opened only to white. Black people were not allowed to walk around the streets without identification. He couldn’t put up with this discrimination any more.  
To change the law, he studied for hours together even in prison.  At age 34, Nelson became a lawyer. However, he was under sentence of life imprisonment because of the anti-apartheid movement. He had to spend the rest of his life in prison with ‘46664’ prisoner number. It was living in darkness because he lived away from his family and couldn’t hug his little daughter. Moreover he was forced to do hard labor under the hot sun and stripped naked in the middle of the night.
But he didn’t abandon himself to despair or give up. For family and blacks and the people those who against apartheid, he told himself that I have to survive every day. The government even offered to release Mandela who became the symbol of human right activist if he announces the abandonment of armed struggle. But he refused it and held fast to his faith. In harsh conditions, he published his memoirs by reducing his sleep and advocated the fellows fight back against the white. After he released, in 1991 apartheid was abolished. In 1993 he became the first black president of South Africa. Since retiring from politics in 1999, he has remained a devoted champion for peace and social justice in the world.

Can u find your way out to peace through him?
Even in his prison life, he always found a way out. 27 years of Mandela in prison have brought peace to the Africa. And it made him a symbol of the hope and courage.  No matter what happened to him, he would rather forgiveness than revenge when he became president. As I am a member of the MANNAM, I am looking forward to show tolerance to everybody like Mandela.
One more thing, he had pretty strong faith that he can make a change. Finally, his strong faith moved the people’s heart. What we need most in peace making is the faith that change is possible. How about have you belief that peace is possible With MANNAM? Plus, There is always, always, always a way out even to peace.

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