
[MANNAM] Do You Have a Do-jang (Korean Seal)?

Hi, MANNAM International friends? Do you have a Korean name? If so, do you have a Do-jang? As shown in the pictures above Do-jang is a Korean seal with one’s name carved on it.

If you are from Western countries, you may usually write your signature on official documents. While in East Asian countries, people use Do-jang a lot as well as signature.

A Do-jang is usually made of wood, stone, jade, and ivory. In Korea, people usually have a Do-jang with their name in either Chinese character or Korean alphabet. Nowadays, one can also have a Do-jang with his or her English name carved on it. When you have a Do-jang, you can also buy a seal case with Korean traditional textiles.

It is said that a father may give a Korean seal to his son or daughter as a university graduation gift to congratulate them on becoming a working member of society. A Do-jang is also considered to be a good present for foreigners. If you are interested, you can have your own Do-jang with your name in either in Korean alphabet or English. You can also give it to your friends in your homeland as a souvenir.

Different cultures, interesting stories. A Do-jang is an East Asian cultural product. What is your cultural product? We don’t know each other’s culture until we share it. Let’s introduces each one’s culture and make a world full of understanding, respect, and happiness.

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