
[MANNAM] Happy Virus in Nursing House.

[MANNAM] Happy Virus in Nursing House.

 Do you want to share your love to others? There are people who need love all around the world. To share this, I went to the nursing home with MANNAM. It is for the Grandmas and Grandpas who lives there to get cared. It was different with orphanage and animal shelter, but I liked it just to help others who need my help.

 We went there by subway to nursing house which located in the other city. I felt like traveling to another city so everyone was excited about this fact. It only took about 1 hour to get there. People from nursing house came to the station to pick us. It was very thankful for them. We went inside, inside the mountain and at last we reached the nursing home. It was a peaceful place in the mountain. Everything near the house was very peaceful.

Every time I went there, different activities were waiting for us. Sometimes we clean the rooms, talk with the elders, organize a concert, clean the snow and etc. I have been there only few times, but every time was very special for me. Like, even though we only clean and can’t meet the elders, it is okay because our volunteers know that they will be happy. Once, friends and I prepared a concert for them. We danced, sang, and did silly things in the concert but the Grandmas and Grandpas really liked them just because we did it to please them. And in MANNAM not only Korean supporters, but friends from all from the world helped with volunteering. At first I thought the elders might be uncomfortable with them, but I was totally wrong. Because they love company and don’t care who the person is. I was very happy about this fact and it was a relief.

 Although Korea is a country that respects the elders, I was also sorry for the people who were there. Each people have other reasons to go there but the fact that they were sent there was a sad story for each of them. But the workers and the system at the nursing home was very good. And like the good volunteer association MANNAM helps them, I think the people there is happy as they are. Not only me but I hope many people can join this volunteer to learn and feel what I felt. Once you get the happy virus from nursing home, you can spread this happiness to others. Join MANNAM. You can be a person who can deliver the happy virus.

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