
MANNAM GW: To shine for the world peace (Volunteering in the mountain)

MANNAM GW: To shine for the world peace (Volunteering in the mountain)

 It was a beautiful day today! The weather was nice and it was not that hot. On this beautiful day, beautiful minds gathered together to volunteer. With plastic bags in one of their hands, and gloves on the other, MANNAM volunteers started to hike the mountain. MANNAM gathered again to pick up the trash on the mountain! It was good to volunteer and at the same time it was good because we could also exercise hiking the mountain.

Although there was not much trash on the mountain, it was a precious time to think about the environment and the nature. We don’t think about the thankfulness of nature in daily life. We forget how precious the air, wind, sun is. Because it always exists and make us live. But when something goes wrong and we come to a situation which we are lack of something, that is when we remember the valve. Think if you can’t breathe for one minute. No, maybe thirty seconds? You couldn’t even bare the situation. Before we regret of the foolish things we do, let us think again the things around us.

 By picking up the trash on the mountain all of us felt really great about the thing we did. I was proud because MANNAM did a job that nobody thought of. And it was good to be with friends that have the same hearts to volunteer. Even if I have the thought to do something, friends can make it better by joining and helping. Want to be the crew with us? Come and let’s share the hope, love, peace that we are making. It really feels good. It is happening in MANNAM Volunteer association.


  1. We should remember how precious the air, wind, sun is. And it always exists ~~

    1. Yes, we sometimes do not appreciate on things we already have, but those air, wind and sun given by nature is some to be appreciated all the time.
