
[MANNAM]Peace: ”we belong to each other”

[MANNAM]Peace: ”Mother Teresa”


If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

-Mother Teresa


Mother Teresa was one of the people who desired peace, and one of peace maker who lived the life of spreading peace and caring others.
Many of her thoughts are inspiring and remind us what love and peace are about.
As Mother Teresa said, we often forget that we are all neighbors living in same planet.
We are neighbors who belong to each other on this Earth.
The natural disaster on the other side of the world, is affecting you although you are not yet aware of that.

Also as global citizens who are living in the world that can spread the idea faster than ever in human life, we can meet online like you are reading my post.
Perhaps though internet, or though sports, culture, idea or through in many other ways, we belong to each other.
Most of the time we forget (perhaps you do not, but I do forget often it) that we belong to each other one way or another.
This quote from Mother Tereasa thankfully reminds us that we are forgetful human beings, who forget that you and I belong to each other.


I want to say ‘Hello’ to many friends who are reading this post.

We have not yet meet, but we are neighbors living in the same planet.

Also if we do not forget that we belong to each other that could be stepping stone for peace in the world that we are living together.



  1. If I am full of peace, it is because I have seen your blog.

  2. Hello,2. :)
    I love Mother Teresa's acts.
    Thank uU for reminding me her peace-mind again~

    I wanna write this once more.
    "We are neighbors who belong to each other on this Earth."
