
[MANNAM] A Huge change with just one flap [Butterfly Effect]

[MANNAM] A Huge change with just one flap [Butterfly Effect]

One Tuesday, when I was in University, we had a seminar class about movies. The topic was ‘The famous movies that has fame.’ I was of course very excited about this, because in this class I could watch the movies that I wanted to watch before, plus I can watch them all for free. The first movie was a good start. The title of the movie was “Butterfly effect”. I heard of this movie many times before but didn’t know what was so famous about it. ‘Wow, now I finally get to watch the movie that everyone said.’ That was my thought at first.

 What is a “Butterfly Effect?”
“Butterfly effect” is a science chaos theory which means, a small change at one place can make a large difference at another place. The name of the effect was coined by Edward Lorenz who found this theory by the weather. If a butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil, several weeks after it becomes a huge hurricane in America. So it means by doing small things, those thing can make a big different result.

 Like what the title says, in the movie, there are many parts that shows how important to act in some kind of situation. My little act can make a different result. The main character, Evan travels the time with his diary to change the present. He loves Kayleigh Miller, his friend from childhood. With one word, or one act changes the relationship with her. Evan tries hard to get close to her but every time there is a problem he doesn’t like. So he goes to the past to fix things. But thing doesn’t go well. For Evan himself and for Kayleigh, Evan chooses a life without her. By this way, no one gets hurt and can be at least happy.

 After I watched this movie, I had time for myself, and about my life. Starting from the time I was born until now, many things could have happened. Maybe I could have been richer then now, or maybe I could have been extremely poor. I even could have been a dead person. Past influence the future. And the important thing is you can decide what you do. I realized that my act and words can influence myself and of course the people who are surrounding me. I don’t want to live a regretful life. I want to be happy all the time and enjoy the life that I live. So for that, I choose to do volunteer in MANNAM. Think of it! If I can make the future super happy for the others, that can be a life which the others can say “A succeed life.”

 Don’t you want to do meaningful things in your life? That can change everyone plus me. You can do it. Just do it. That is the answer of everything. Let’s spare some time for others. With your butterfly wings, you can make a big love hurricane. It is possible here in MANNAM.

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It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly’s wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world.
-       Chaos Theory

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