저는 부모 없거나 부모가 있어도 환경이 어려운 아이들을 보면 너무나 불쌍했습니다. 그리고 고아원은 저한텐 꼭 가 보고 싶은 곳이었습니다. 이렇게 만남 자원봉사단을 통해서 가보고 싶은 고아원에 가게 됐습니다. 고아원 가는 길에 전 사실 걱정하는 게 많이 있었습니다. 보육원이라면 고아원과 비슷한 데라서 아이들이 너무나 불쌍했습니다. 그리고 가면 아이들이 나랑 그렇게 잘 놀 수 있을까? 언어와 문화도 다른데 아이들과 잘 어울리지 않고 상처를 주면 어떻게 할까? 걱정했습니다. 가서 아이들이랑 만났는데 걱정이 다 사라졌습니다. 왜냐하면 아이들 활짝 웃는 모습을 보고 그 걱정들이 사라졌습니다. 아이들이 너무 활달하고 친절했습니다. 그 날 우리는 함께 피자도 해 먹고, 종이 접기도 하고, 즐거운 게임도 많이 했습니다. 봉사활동을 끝내고 헤어질 시간이 되었는데 아이들이 헤어지기 싫어했습니다. 그 날이 그 아이들이랑 만나는 첫 만남이었지만, 저는 또 가고 싶어졌습니다. 또 가서 아이들이랑 더 친해지고 아이들이랑 함께 웃고 세상의 빛을 사랑으로 전하고 싶습니다. 만남자원봉사단을 통해 보육원에 가게 돼서 너무 감사합니다.
I didn't feel good when I see children without parent or children living in difficult environment although they live with their parents. The orphanage was the place I always wanted to make a visit. Through MANNAM volunteer association, I was able to visit the kid center. Actually I had few worries in my head on the way to kids center. Will the kids there feel comfortable playing with me? We have different language and culture, what if I hurt their feeling? I was worried. However, once I met the kids, all my worries solved out at the moment I saw cheerful smiles on their faces. Children there were so cheerful and kind. On that day, we cooked pizza, did origami and played fun games. After the visit, it was time for us to say goodbye. Then, children didn't want us to leave. It was first time for me to meet those children, but I wanted to visit their again. I want to meet children again and be closer with them. Also, I want to laugh together with them and share the light of the world through love. I really appreciate that I was ale to visit kids center through MANNAM volunteer association.
I didn't feel good when I see children without parent or children living in difficult environment although they live with their parents. The orphanage was the place I always wanted to make a visit. Through MANNAM volunteer association, I was able to visit the kid center. Actually I had few worries in my head on the way to kids center. Will the kids there feel comfortable playing with me? We have different language and culture, what if I hurt their feeling? I was worried. However, once I met the kids, all my worries solved out at the moment I saw cheerful smiles on their faces. Children there were so cheerful and kind. On that day, we cooked pizza, did origami and played fun games. After the visit, it was time for us to say goodbye. Then, children didn't want us to leave. It was first time for me to meet those children, but I wanted to visit their again. I want to meet children again and be closer with them. Also, I want to laugh together with them and share the light of the world through love. I really appreciate that I was ale to visit kids center through MANNAM volunteer association.
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