
[MANNAM] Baking cookies for kids with MANNAM

[MANNAM] Baking cookies for kids with MANNAM

We go to the Kids center (like orphanage) every month to volunteer.
When we go there, we play games, cook and have fun with kids.
However, because there were too much program going on at the center, we couldn't made it.
So, instead of going there, we plan to make cookies for them!
We made chocochip cookies and sugar cookies!
Also, we pack them with short cheering messages that our heart is in it.

When we give them to the kids at the center, they loved it.
We were also happy to see them smiling:)
Even it was little bit tired to make all those cookies, we felt each others' love while we made those.
Moreover, it was a valuable day that we made others happy:)

This is why I love volunteering and MANNAM

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