
[MANNAM] Being a one day farmer with MANNAM

[MANNAM] Being a one day farmer with MANNAM

It was a day that changed my thoughts about farming.
There was a chance to experience and do volunteer work in farm through MANNAM.
I thought it would be fun to experience new things.
Collecting fruits and vegetables, feeding livestock and etc.
Imagining those things, I was so excited about it.
It was fun to share snacks and took the train with MANNAM friends.
However, my imaginary plan was until here.

As soon as we arrived at the farm, we changed our clothes and start working.
The first job given to us was weeding a garden. It was for the chickens.
At first, it was okay but as time goes by, it was hard to stay under the sun light keep weeding a garden.
It looked like weed are keeping growing while we are weeding and I felt we cannot finish this work.
However, at that point, we start to sing and work together.
We helped each other with the hard work and took each part.

After a while, we finished all those work and had snack. The farmer gave us a watermelon.
It was like oasis to us. It was so delicious that we ate all in a second.
Then, we feed chicken with those weeds that we collected.
When I saw them eating, I forgot all those fatigue and I felt like a mother feeding their children.
Last, we collected all the eggs from each cage.
I was little bit sorry to those chickens taking away their eggs, but it was a cool experience.

After all of those work, my thought about farming has changed.
I felt farming is not an easy job. I know there is not such an easy work, but farming, it need was needed more than I thought.
All of those work needed love and patience.
Result that we were getting might be small, but to get those, there are many steps to take.
The thing I thought the most was volunteering.
Farming cannot be done by just one people. It really needs many people to help.
Nowadays, because all the youth are in the city working for company, there are not many young people to help farming.
So, I thought it would be better to go and volunteer regularly.
One more thing, I think it was a great experience because I join with MANNAM friends.
As we work as a team, we became closer and know each other more.
Moreover, I felt we are all valuable to each other to achieve one thing.

Thank you to MANNAM giving us this chance and unforgettable memory.

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