
[MANNAM Int'L] PEACE LEADER: Aung San Suu Kyi Daw and 'you'

[MANNAM] PEACE LEADER: Aung San Suu Kyi Daw and 'you'

There are people who are known for their efforts to make the world better place.
Aung San Suu Kyi Daw is also one of globally known peace leader.
Then why would she known for peace leader?

There could be several reasons, but one thing would be dedication to freedom and peace. She didn’t give up her will for freedom of Myanmar in many difficult situations. She was under the house arrest for 14 years. She had many chances to live quiet and peaceful. Even before the armed soldiers, she didn’t give up the dream for freedom in Burma. Now Aung San Suu Kyi Daw’s dream of freedom is no longer a dream.

Also on May 2008, when Cyclone Nargis hit Burman, in this difficult circumstance and poor environment, she didn't go outside of house. At that time, Aung San Suu Kyi was under house arrest. If she had went outside of house, that meant she would be kicked out or it would be giving excuse to her opponent as she wanted to leave. Leaving Burma could guaranteed comfortable life to her, but she didn't choose her own comforts. Aung San Suu Kyi stayed in the broken house to show her willingness to stay in Burma.

Also when her beloved husband was dying for cancer, she chose to stay in Burma for people who  She dedicated her life for the freedom of peaceful Myanmar. 

And , based on Aung San Suu Kyi's earnest effort and sacrifices, today, Burma became freer and more peaceful land.
Not only Aung San Suu Kyi, but due to the earnest efforts, we are enjoying our freedom and more peaceful world.
It need efforts and sacrifices to make a world better place.
That sacrifices could be small or big as giving up something important in one's life.
However, the important thing is, we are all enjoying our life based on the sacrifices and of the people before us.
Then, what can we do to return to their sacrifices and exertion?

The answer could be simple, as they worked hard to make a world better place, let us bequeath the peaceful world to our children, and to next generations to generations.
The way to make the better world, could be diverse, and one of the way I can tell you is 'to take an action'.
You may join volunteer works, as I do volunteer work in MANNAM international, or you could take an action of joining peace walk to express your earnest hard toward peace.
Let's bequeath more beautiful world to our children and grandchildren.


  1. She is honorable...
    It is a geeat work that she endured for the country's peace instead of her own peaceful life.

    Thatnk u for sharing^^

  2. 'The important thing is, we are all enjoying our life based on the sacrifices and of the people before us.'
    As you wrote, many people were sacrificed for our comfortable lives...

    I feel deeply sorry that I was easy to forget thae fact.
