
MANNAM 'PEACE IS POSSIBLE': Why was the Korean alphabet created? (Korean Alphabet Day)

MANNAM 'PEACE IS POSSIBLE': Why was the Korean alphabet created?  (Korean Alphabet Day)
In MANNAM International, We have held a Korean Calligraphy Contest with admiring Korean Alphabet Day (October 9).


Why was the Korean alphabet created?

King Sejong the Great created Hangul (the Korean alphabet) in 1443. Hangul is the most scientific writing system in the world. It was designated as National Treasure in UNESCO’s Memory of the World.

King Sejong proclaimed publication of Hunmin Jeongeum (훈민정음). It means ‘sound of teaching people in the right.’ Later, The name was changed from Hunmin Jeongeum to Hangul(한글).

Why did he want to teach in the right with Hangul? 17 years ago, there was a murder: an unfilial son killed his father. king Sejong thought, 'If the people can learn moral stories from book, there will be more filial daughters and sons.' At that time, the people was hard to read and learn Chinese character. For this, he decided to proclaim the Korean Alphabet.

In short, Hangul was created by great love of king for his people.


 Korean Alphabet Calligraphy Contest


one name, different letters

All of MANNAM freinds wrote Hangul and their letters.
It was interesting to share their letters each other. 
There are more than 3,000 languages in the world. But, we exclaim  just one thing with many letters, "Peace Is Possible!"


  1. I like Korean Alphabet Day, because I need not go to work ^^.Well, I like to write Hangul.

    1. It was changed holiday from this year:) I wish you enjoyed your time on Korean Alphabet Day!
