
[MANNAM] A Peaceful World: Where There Is Only Good News

Hello, MANNAM International friends! Did you spend a good Dae-bo-reum (literally "Great Full Moon") during the weekend? How did you celebrate it? Did you catch the first rise of the moon to have good luck all year? Or did you crack nuts to keep your teeth healthy for the year? There were several customs and traditions very special for foreigners and drinking Gwi-balgi-sul (귀밝이술) was among one of them.

Gwi-balgi-sul is a combination of gwi (ears), balgi (clearning), and sul (alcohol/liquor). It is a cold, clear, strained rice wine. People drink it on the morning of Dae-bo-reum, since they believe that Gwi-balgi-sul will help them to have healthy ears and hear only good news during the whole year! To hear only good news, it isn’t only wishes of Korean people. It is wishes of all MAMMAM International members and also wishes of people all over the world.

Today, there are still people who are suffering from war. Because of war, more problems such as poverty, diseases, and even death threat their life. To them, ceasing the war is undoubtedly the good news. For the good news, there will be many people who are struggling for it at this very moment. MANNAM International will also try our best to cease wars in the world.

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