


Ever since the development of recording technology and online, we are able to access video contents easier than ever before.
Without special technician or special education, it is easier to record and make a video due to advanced technology. For these reasons, online is full of creative and interesting video contents.
One of the categories of video is ‘Flashmob.’
Probably we all know what does flashmob it is, and here is a defined definition of it.
Flash mob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and seemingly pointless act for a brief time, and then quickly disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression.
Then why am I talking about Flashmob?
I wanted to introduce a Flash mob video (perhaps more than one) to you.
One of MANNAM’s cultural clubs, MANNAM K-POP did flashmob in the subway.
They danced the song Twinkle of Girl’s Generation, Ling-ding-dong of SHINEE and Gangnam Style.’
Not all of them are professional dance or professional film director, but they made this MANNAM K-POP flashmob in a way to express their passion. 
They did put hard efforts to make this video, so hope you enjoy this video.
If you want to see another youTube video, here is another video of MANNAM KPOP Dance Team dancing the song ‘Lollipop’
 [K-POP COVER] Lollipop-Mannam KPOP Dance Team’

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