
[MANNAM Judo] When MANNAM Judo Meets Yoga

Hi, MANNAM International friends! Most of you may know either Judo or Yoga, but do you know what the result will be when Judo meets Yoga? One is a rough sport while the other one is a soft one. Here, we have some photos of MANNAM Judo Club members practicing Yoga instead of Judo and you can find the answer yourself.

Now, you can answer the question. What the result will be when Judo meets Yoga? Have seen all the photos, I find that although the two sports which are poles apart, when they coexist, there are happiness, understand and victory.

It is said that there are more than 5,000 races in the world. Each race may look different form the other one, but there is a heart longing for peace within everyone. Therefore, together we can overcome all difficulties and make a harmonious world.

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