
[MANNAM Heal the world]: Light a candle for peace

< Light a candle for peace >

Light a candle for peace
Light a candle for love
Light a candle that shines
All the way around the world
Light a candle for me
Light a candle for you
That our wish for world peace
Will one day come ture

Sing peace around the world(x4)

 If the world now is in darkness, like what this song says, we need a light to accomplish world peace. MANNAM Volunteer association has a slogan. Do you know what it is? I will give you a hint. It is about “Light” and “Victory”.  Any guesses? Yes. It is “When Light meets Light there is Victory!” Okay, do you know the meanings about this slogan? It means when the light (a person, it can be you), meets another light (another person) by understanding and caring for each other, we can be one. And of course that will bring victory to all of us, doesn’t matter if you’re different than me or not. How does this sound to you? The important part is up to you. Now is the time for you to shine and light yourself. Lighting is not a hard thing to do. For example, helping others like volunteer work can make you shine. Donation is also helpful. Think of a world that is peaceful and that happy faces never stop. That is a world that everybody wants to make when and where they live. Don’t you agree?

 In MANNAM Volunteer Association, we do many volunteers, events to light the light to the dark world. And we think that someday, soon, one day, there will be peace all around the world. By lighting up, this kind of work can help you and me to a better person. Think of it! If we keep on helping friends and the poor who needs help, we will change our thinking about others. We can be the start and hope to the world. Come to MANNAM. Let’s be the light to shine where there needs light. Let’s bring world peace around the world. Sing peace around the world. That our wish for world peace will really, one day come true.


  1. I hope everyone can like the candle to illuminate every where needs the peace and love.

    1. Yes, that is exactly what MANNAM wants to do as our slogan says: When Light meets Lights There is Victory!

  2. I would love to be a light of the world!! let us make the peace together!! =)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, we want to inspire many people so we could work together for world peace.
