
[MANNAM] What is MIYC?

[MANNAM] What is MIYC?

Have you heard about MIYC?
It is a youth coalition gathered from all over the world.
There are lots of youth coalitions in the world, but,  today, I will introduce about MIYC and tell you why MIYC is special.

People, especially youth has gathered as MIYC to unite people across borders, cultures, languages and races.
As we are international groups, we respect for the diversity of humanity
By respecting each other's culture, we can understand and get together to be the one.
After being one, we will work together to achieve our goal.

Our purpose is to unite youth associations around the world and in motivating their nation to actively pursue peace.
We aims to unite the youth of every nation so that from these youth, we can make peaceful future in the world.
This not just a fancy statement, everyone of us are really willing for this and this is our dream go work for.

We also plan many projects and movement to achieve this dream and through this dream we will get closer to what we are looking for.
If you are a youth and you want to do something valuable in your life, join MIYC.
Through MIYC, you can be the bridge of your country connecting to the world of peace.


  1. So looking forward to seeing how MIYC will bring peace into our lives!:)

  2. I wanna more plans of MIYC.
