
[MANNAM Heal the world] How to train your Dragon

[MANNAM Heal the world] How to train your Dragon

 Do you believe in dragons? Dragon is an animal from people’s imagination so they are not for real. But we can see dragon’s in many movies or in books or in other places.

 In MANNAM Volunteer Association, we watch movie once in a month. MANNAM watches many genres with all kinds of movies. We watched Korea, China, Hollywood and all kind that are heard to be presented as a good movie. This time, MANNAM choose animation for a change. The title was “How to train your dragon.” Some saw the movie already, some did not even hear about its name. Not many people like the genre about comics or animations, but the movie we saw completely changed our minds. It was fun, made all of us warm hearted, and touching at the same time. It is a story about friendship with a dragon and a human friend.


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Long ago up North on the Island of Berk, the young Viking, Hiccup, wants to join his town's fight against the dragons that continually raid their town. Hiccup ventures out into battle and downs a mysterious Night Fury dragon with his invention, but can't bring himself to kill it. Instead, Hiccup and the dragon, who he names Toothless, begin a friendship that would open up both their worlds as the observant boy learns that his people have misjudged the species. The Vikings think the dragon is a species that must be killed for human protection. So they try to kill the dragons and want to expose their individual powers. Hiccup, finds another way to live with the dragons. He realized that dragons are not a creature to kill. He finds that they can be a friend and can even help the humans for a better life. By Hiccups courage and hard working, the soft heart was send to Toothless, and they now become friends. They need each other to survive. This was the biggest reason that they became to learn and understand each other. Hiccup says “Dragons and human can be friends.” And Hiccup, acted about his words and made it true. If you want to know about the end, watch the movie! J

After we watched the movie, everyone fall in love to Toothless and Hiccup. We learned many things too. We learned about love, friendship, and understanding others. How many times did you try to understand the people who are different with you? Didn’t you and I avoid them because they are different with me? If I was, I was same with Hiccup’s father and other Vikings. We need to have open minds about others like Hiccup! We need the open mind but what I think highly of Hiccup’s courage. Toothless was a dragon that no one knew before. Plus it is a monster! Go thing that he didn’t get hurt. If I was Hiccup don’t think that I can do it like him. Hiccup acted what he believed in his heart. What he felt that was right. And he was right. That brought peace to the whole world where he lived. This is what we need. If we think that peace and volunteer is necessary, we must do it to bring it to us.

World peace which we are going to make in MANNAM Volunteer Association maybe it can be a big task for us. But are you thinking the same thing like others? Like Hiccup’s father or the people at the village? Think like Hiccup. In MANNAM, we can do this. Because the small thinking that you do here, can be the key to world peace. Or even more! MANNAM can help you do it!

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