
[MANNAM International] how many languages are in this Earth?

[MANNAM International] how many languages are in this Earth?

Have you ever learn any language other than your first tongue? Perhaps you can speak multi-languages naturally. But for me and so as the many other people around the world, we need to study hard to speak another language. Sometimes learning a new language seems like a never ending process of acquiring new vocabularies (although it is very fun to speak new language once you reach certain level.). Then, have you ever wondered how many languages are in this world?

Right now, there are 7,170,412,884 (according ‘worldometers’ on Aug 7th, 2013) people living together on this single planet, the Earth. And we speak 6,800 different languages according to Linguistic Society of America. 6,800 languages! I was quite shock there are so many unknown languages that I’ve never heard of before.

Isn’t it interesting? The world is so diverse; there are more than 6,800 languages and more than 100 countries living on this single planet. Each country has its own language, races, national and customs.
Once we understand there are such many people and different languages in the world, it is not a surprising thing to see why we are so different compare to each other.
That is why MANNAM is doing cultural clubs to know each other better and make people unit regardless nation, religions, and races.
If we understand each other without any stereotypes, there would be no conflicts

In MANNAM International, we become one under spirit of volunteerism and peace regardless the race, religion, political opinion and nationalities.
Becoming one does not mean we ignore your culture and backgrounds. We MANNAM respect each other’s cultural and differences. MANNAM want to understand each other to establish a peaceful world that everyone is respected by their own natural characteristics.

Through that process, as a pure volunteer organization MANNAM will keep doing what we are best at, helping people in need and achieving peace through understanding each other’s culture.
We can achieve peace through understand and help each other.

' Many Languages, One Hope, MANNAM International'.

Image and reference from:
Linguistic Society of America

1 comment:

  1. Love and communication is the way to reduce conflict of each other, I need to learn about others who have different culture and colour.
    + The vidio is interesting~^^
