
[MANNAM] Background of the invention of Hangeul?

MANNAM! Do you know the background of the invention of Hangeul?
As we learn, or before we learn do you know the background of the invention of Hangeul?
You may have heard that king Sejong made Hangeul, but why?
Long time ago, in Korea, people communicate with speaking Korean but there were no letter to write down.
So, before Hangeul was invented, people use Chinese character for literature.
However, it was very hard to write in Chinese character because it was based in Chinese.
Writing with Chinese which is totally different from Korean was hard that people has to study a lot to write.
Therefore, only rich people could write and enjoy literature.
It wasn’t universal to ordinary people to write and read the letter.
This makes Hangeul as a method to maintain their power for ruling class.
So, king Sejong had to progress inventing Hangeul secretly.
Therefore he couldn’t borrow many hands to scholars.
If he had caught in the middle of the invention, he might have not succeed it.
Even after he pronounce Hunmin-chungum, lots of aristocrat resist to publish it.
Inspite of all these resist, king Sejong contributed Han-geul for ordinary people.
After that, the Korean culture of literature got vitalized and ordinary people’s knowledge got improved.
As a result, king Se jong contributed Han-geul to give a better life to Ordinary people.
This is why many Korean respect king Se jong and print his portrait on 10,000won.
I think the mind set of caring others and work for a better life, peace is similar with MANNAM.
So, today, when you study Korean, think of king Sejong and let’s work like him in MANNAM International to payback his love!


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