
[MANNAM] Kids Center epilogue

[MANNAM] Kids Center epilogue – By Shawnt

This is the epilogue of MANNAM member Shawnt Walken, about how he felt after visiitng kids center.

Volunteering has never felt so felt rewarding as when I had the opportunity to spend time with the children at Wonju Kids Centre. These kids, whose lives and perspectives I can scarcely imagine… I consider myself the lucky one, to have been the recipient of their genuine smiles, contagious bursts of laughter, and joyous celebration. It was not the activities themselves that stood out, as they were beautiful in their simplicity: ice cream, chocolate, nail art and balloons. It was the collaboration, the celebration we had together with other volunteers and with the children themselves that made the experience unforgettable. It is in those briefest of moments, where a small child asks for nothing more than a hug, which touches your heart the longest, and rejuvenates both body and soul. Such an experience can only be found when you whole-heartedly and freely offer your most precious possession to those who will benefit most from it: your time and your love, unconditionally.

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