
[MANNAM around the world] The symbol of war turned to the symbol of peace I

[MANNAM around the world] The symbol of war turned to the symbol of peace I.

             There were numerous tragic and wars happened in history of mankind. No matter whether we wanted it to be happened or not, those tragic already happened and there's nothing we could do to change the past. However, we can change the trace of the war into hopeful place for the future.

              In Prenzlauer Berg district of Berlin, there is Mauerpark. Mauerpark translates to "Walk park." It is called as "Wall Park" because it was built at the former part of the Berlin Wall and its Death Strip. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, a public linear park was built along with the 300 meters of former Berlin Wall.

              Today the park is one of the most popular place for citizens, especially for youths in Germany. Germany's biggest flee market is held in every Sunday in Mauerpark. Some people sing and play instruments, while others ride bicycles or lying on the grass to relax. Especially on every Sunday, the combination of music and cheerful energy from people look like they are having a festival. In the efforts to change the symbol of division to the symbol of peace, Mauerpark became the peaceful place that provides comforts and entertainment. 

              Moreover, have you ever heard of East Side Gallery? It is not a indoor gallery, but it is the painted Berlin Wall that located along Spree riverside. Since 1990, the Berlin Wall was start filled with painting by 118 artists from 21 different countries. Today, the Berlin wall is painted beautifully as it wanted to wash out the tragic history of war and divided Germanies.

              There is another peace park between Norway and Sweden. 'Morokulien Peace Park' is the world's first peace park which was completed in 1914. After the battle between Norway and Sweden in 1910s, they designated the peace park on the border where two countries meet.

              Not only these places but there are many more peace parks and transformed place around the world. Yes, people are trying hard to make a world better place. Slowly and step by step, the world is changing to better place. This beautiful change can be fasten if you roll up your sleeves for peaceful world. I don't literally meant you to go out and do physical work for building park. (Don't get me wrong that would be one of the great way to spread the peace too.) What I meant was taking a little action for peaceful world. It could be sharing your own opinion for peace, exchanging cultures to understand each other better or doing volunteer works to help people in need. There could be so many other ways to create the wonderful world without conflicts. MANNAM Volunteer Association want more people to aware about the importance and needs for peaceful world. MANNAM International is opened for everyone who wants to be involved in peace campaign volunteer works.

MANNAM Volunteer Association : http://www.mannamintl.org/

Images from @Corbis

1 comment:

  1. I am lucky as a man who wants World peace that I know this volunteer association&ur blog~ ! :▶
