
MANNAM Soccer Team

All over the world, there are more than 180 countries that play soccer.
Among all different soccer teams, I want to introduce a very special team.
It is.... MANNAM soccer team!
Do you know about MANNAM Soccer Team??
What is so special about MANNAM soccer team?
If you have ever seen them playing, you will know what makes them so special.’

The thing is, MANNAM soccer players came from all over the world.
In the world, there are some place where war is going on; like USA and Afganistan.
They have to against each other to survive.
However, in MANNAM, they are united as one team and get together!
Isn’t it awesome? Every players make small PEACE within the team and the game.

Moreover, they don’t just play sport, but also they share each other’s culture.
Since they are from all around the world individuals have their own cultures.
Perhaps, some cultures can clash due to differences of each culture.
However, we, MANNAM soccer team respect each other and share cultures!

We even make unique PEACE and CULTURE in MANNAM!
Although we don’t speak same language, now we understand each other just by looking at other.

So! Are you interested in MANNAM Soccer Team?
Don’t you want to make PEACE playing soccer?? :)
We are always welcome you with to join us and make a small peace among us.

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