
[MANNAM] MANNAM is at all around the world!

[MANNAM] MANNAM is at all around the world!

We know that MANNAM is worldwide volunteer association.

The map above shows us how many branches we have around the world.

London, South Africa, Korea, India, Los Angeles, Boston, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan!

Isn't it amazing that there are so many people out there doing volunteer work with us, and hoping for world peace?

I hope to have a chance when every MANNAM members gather together and see each other!

It would be wonderful to see people who are interested in making a world better place.

And I also like to see you, who are reading this article in MANNAM GW blog.

If you are living in the city where they have MANNAM branch, why don't you come and visit us or join volunteer work with us?

We always welcome you, who have warm and to change the world together.

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