
[MANNAM Peace maker] Rigoberta Menchu Tum, peace maker.

[MANNAM Peace maker] Rigoberta Menchu Tum, peace maker.

Rigoberta Menchu Tum is the first natives who received Nobel peace prize and also one of the few female recipients. She was born in the poor farming family in Northern part of Guatemala as sixth children amongst her nine siblings. Her hometown was the village of Maya Indian and family lived in small farm located in the mountain. Due to that beautiful but rough mountainous range, cultivating food wasn't easy there. So she had to work in farm with her family.

Menchu Tum didn't get a chance to receive a public education due to economic situation of her family. As she grows, she worked as a maid in the capital city, Guatemala City.
Guatemala had suffered for civic war more than 30 years due to its political instability. In this rough situation of Guatemala, many Maya indians had suffered from violence of army. Hundreds and hundreds of indians village was destroyed. More than 10 million native indians became refugees. The army also destroyed and burned the village where Rigoberta Menchu lives.

As an influence of her father who was killed while working on the human right of natives, she joined civic community to work for human rights in Guatemala.
Her adversity didn't end here. Menchu Tum's mother was executed while she was organizing the famers to stand.
Her younger brother was kidnapped and was being tortured, finally was killed.
She escaped to Mexico in 1981 and surprisingly she did not stop devoting her life for spreading the awareness of violence, human right and non-violence moment.
She published her autograph "I, Rigoberta Menchu" which triggered to notify the tragic violence and reality in Cenral and South America. This book overwhelmed the world by
On 1992, due to her devote on human right of natives and non-violence movement, she received the Novel Peace Prize.
Due to her earnest effort, the peace agreement was made which ceased the 36 years of civil war in Guatemala and gave rights for Maya indians.

Rigoberta Menchu Tum had been suffered from violence in her life; she lost her own parents and young brother for that too. Then, would she pay back that violence back?
No, she didn't.
I think she knew that the most beautiful peace is the peace achieves through peace.
Not violence nor through force, but by peace, MANNAM also desire to achieve the world peace through peace.

Through peace campaigns and learning each other’s difference and accepting that, MANNAM is stepping forward for peaceful world that everyone desires.
MANNAM Volunteer Association desires the peaceful world without violence.
We are hoping for the world without violence and war, the place that respects and understands each other through heart. In order to achieve that, MANNAM Volunteer Association is making a way to cease the war and to bring peace on this earth.
Even today, MANNAM members are achieving the world with through peace so as Rigoberta Menchu Tum, and many other peace makers do.

We have learned that change cannot come through war.
War is not a feasible tool to use in fighting against the oppression we face.
 War has caused more problems. We cannot embrace that path. -Rigoberta Menchu Tum

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