
Tell us your opinion: MANNAM 더 Peace Talk Concert

MANNAM Peace Talk Concert


Tell us your thought and let's share it together.
MANNAM Busan branch helds a speical concert every month.
There's no instrument playing or singing invovled in this concert.
Why there's no instrumet or singing in the concert?
That's because this is 'MANNAM Peace 더 Talk Concert'!

What is 'MANNAM Peace 더 Talk Concert'?
I'm sure you know all the words listed above, except a Korean word '더'
'더' means 'more' in English, and at the same time, it represents an English word 'the' which is spelled in Korean.

Basically, it can be interpeted in two ways.
First one is, 'MANNAM Peace the Peace Talk Concert.'
And secondly, it can be 'MANNAM More Peace Talk Concert''
The name of this peace talk was made from our MANNAM members' hope of making a more peaceful world by sharing thoughts.

Sharing thoughts help people to understand each other.
Once you understand them, you can embrace their behavior and bind together, since you know the reason why they act like that or think in that way.

The 1st Peace had started on January 26th, 2013 with the topic of 'My War, and My Peace'
The 2nd Peace Talk was about 'Equality, and Discrmination', which was presented by one of a MANNAM member who came from Brazil.
On March 23, the 3rd Peace talk took place at the same place with the topic of 'Culture of Violence.'
On April, when the weather got much warmer, MANNAM friends talked about 'Terroism.'

In the middle of summer, we MANNAM friends shared out thoughts on 'Poverty' The presenter of this topic was from Bangladesh.
The 5th MANNAM  더 Peace talk was discussed about 'Gender discrimination'
These are the topics of MANNAM 더  Peace Talk that we had discussed toegether.
This Peaec Talk held once every months and still going on.
If you are interested in one o the topic, or if you have any other new topics you want to share with other people who came from diversed backgrounds and experience, then why don't you share your .
We want to hear more thoughts from more people.
Through sharing thourhgs, we could think deeper and think aobut the part that we didn't really recognized before. Most of all, we can understand and learn more about each other.
You are always welcome to join MANNAM Peace Talk.
Tell us your thought and let's share it together.


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