
[MANNAM heal the world] Conformity in Volunteering!

 [MANNAM heal the world] Conformity in Volunteering!

 Some people are waiting in front of the crosswalk for the traffic light. But suddenly one of the people looks around to see if there is a car coming, and as soon as he knows that there is no danger coming up, he crosses the street. Like this, two more crosses the road as the same way like the first. In this situation, what would you do? If you were in the same situation would you cross the street even though it is a red light? Well, some psychologists found that people have psychology to follow the others behavior. This is called conformity theory. What I wrote up is a bad example about people’s behavior. But what if this theory comes into a good situation?

A person’s thinking is very simple. If the others do it, they think “Why not me?” This is why people follow what others do. This is another example. If one man stares at an object far away, a stranger who passes by doesn’t care what he is doing. But if there are more than three people who are doing this, a stranger who watches this can’t just pass without stopping. The stranger does the same act with others.

Now let us think about this. There are things that we can do to save and make peace to the world. Because we do not have money like Warren Buffett, we can’t donate money like him. Then what can we do? We can volunteer with our hands and with our hearts. Although it doesn’t appear that much, but all the small efforts this does can make a big movement to the world. The Association which is doing a good job is MANNAM! Why don’t we volunteer or donate and make this into a big movement though MANNAM? If one starts, and more than three people does this, we can make and motivate others to follow this great movement in MANNAM. Remember that your action and behavior can influence others. Be careful! It can make other fall into a bad situation or in to a better way. Let us share and love others though MANNNAM Volunteer Association!

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