
[MANNAM] The special day for special ones.

[MANNAM] The special day for special ones.

Take a guess what do the dates below refer to!

 It is second Sunday of August in Argentina.
On the other hand, it is first Sunday and 17th of March in New Zealand and Bangladesh.

It is also May 5 in South Korea, while it is officially recognized on the first Wednesday of October in Chile. In Guatemala and Singapore, both countries celebrated it on October 1.

Now can you guess what do these dates mean?
Yes! All of these dates are Children’s Day in each country!
The Children’s day is celebrated in more than 100 countries in the world.

I remember myself celebrating Children’s Day in the theme park with the gift that I personally chose. The Children’s Day has become more commercial as children want to receive some gifts in a way to celebrate their special day.

However, Children’s Day was originally declared by World Conference for the Well-being of Children in 1925. Twenty-nine years later, in 1954, it was universally recognized as the day to protect children working long hours in dangerous conditions and to allow all children to receive education.

Although we call the world as global village, the situation and circumstances are so much different depending on the regions.
Fortunately, some children are happily celebrating their day.
On the other side of the world, some children are being frighten of the war or they are working in unsafe environments to get long a day.What can we do for children who can’t even celebrate Children’s Day, although it is a special day for them? Then what can we do as adults who seem to have more ability to help them? Would delivering gifts and toys give them the hope for the better future?
Maybe yes, or maybe not.

They would be happy about the gifts from warm hearts, but why don’t we present them better future? Instead of hope for the better future, why don’t we make a better and peaceful future for everybody?

In that peaceful world, children wouldn’t need to be afraid of war.
In the world without the war, children would be more protected and be treated better by their parents and guardians.

Special toy can be good gift for your own son and daughters, or your nephews in Children’s Day.
On the other hand, inheriting the peaceful world and the hope for better, world would be the best gift that we can ever give to our children, which will be passing throughout generation to generation.
To make Children’s Day more special to all children in this global village, why don’t we take a step forward for peaceful and better world?
If you are hoping for the world peace, that is what MANNAM international volunteer association wants to. Let’s step forward for better world where many children can enjoy their day without worry of war or any other threats, so they can happily enjoy their Children’s Day.

If you want to know more about MANNAM international, below is our official website.




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